
While reading books, you can use the following gestures to interact with words, sentences, or pages.

Gesture Target Object Effect Applicable Conditions
Long Press Word View word definition None
Tap Word View word definition Selection mode is “Tap (continuous lookup)” or “Tap (non-continuous lookup)”
Tap Highlighted Word Display word definition in the word list panel Selection mode is “Long Press” and the word list panel is displayed
Tap Non-highlighted Word Display the translation of the sentence containing the word in the word list panel Selection mode is “Long Press” and the word list panel is displayed
Tap Learnings, Notes, Underlines View details None
Tap Blank Area Show/Hide the top navigation bar and bottom toolbar None
Tap Page Show/Hide the top navigation bar and bottom toolbar Selection mode is “Long Press”
Tap Image Zoom in and display in full screen Applicable only to text-based books
Double Tap Word Select the sentence containing the word and display the translation None
Double Tap Blank Area Zoom in/out the page Applicable only to PDF books
Triple Tap Word Play book audios starting from the sentence containing the word None
Triple Tap Blank Area Pause or resume audio playing None
Drag Circles on both sides of selected words/sentences Adjust selection range None
Swipe Up Page Close the book Enable the “Swipe Up to Close Book” option[1]
Swipe Down Page Add a bookmark to the current page None
Swipe Right Left edge of the screen Show word list panel When the current word list panel position is set to “None”

  1. Tap the Aa icon in the navigation bar to enter the theme and style settings, where you can enable this option. ↩︎